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HomeHeadlineUnlawful Abduction of Koray Vural by Turkish Intelligence: Urgent Call for Action

Unlawful Abduction of Koray Vural by Turkish Intelligence: Urgent Call for Action

Koray Vural, a businessman who had been working as a manager in schools affiliated with the Hizmet Movement in Tajikistan and had engaged in business after 2016, was kidnapped by unidentified individuals in the capital, Dushanbe.

It was learned that the businessman, Koray Vural, who had been living in Tajikistan for many years, was abducted on the morning of September 16, 2023, around 9:30 am in front of his workplace, Özyurt Restaurant, in the capital of Tajikistan, Dushanbe.

According to eyewitnesses, Vural, who was abducted by 8 people, is said to have been handed over to Turkey by plane flying from Dushanbe to Istanbul.

Koray Vural had applied to be resettled in one of the safe countries at the United Nations and was expecting the process to conclude shortly.

Vural’s mother, Hidayet Vural, made a plea to the responsible parties through a video posted on social media, requesting the safe return of her son.

We condemn the abduction of Koray Vural in disregard of international law and the lack of information about him. We are concerned about the possibility of torture and his safety.

We call on all authorities to fulfill their duties regarding Koray Vural.

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