Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the President of Turkey, is eager to legally welcome his dictatorship with the parliamentary and presidential elections which are both going to be held on 24th June 2018. Erdogan has been planning about the preparations, which will open the doors for his dictatorship for a very long time, and he is putting them into practice now. After the uncovering of the corruptions of Erdogan and his entourage back in 17 December 2013, every single change towards the law and regulation in the parliament was done to ensure Erdogan to be the absolute power. Erdogan is about to complete the process of becoming the absolute power.
Everything is ready in Turkey for Erdoğan to be the official dictator. The perfunctory elections are going to open the doors to a never-before-seen dark age upon political, social, economic, and safety areas in Turkey.
Erdoğan had laid the foundations of his desired regime on October 29 2014, when his 1150-roomed “Palace” was launched following the start of its construction in 2013, after he gave instructions for the plans to be prepared back in 2012. Like every other dictators, he wanted his own palace.
The big corruption investigation carried out by the Turkish judiciary on 17 December 2013, should be accepted to be a milestone which changed Turkey. Erdoğan faced criminal evidences, which could possibly send him and his entourage away for life in the event of a trial. The corruption evidences were so strong, he chose to have the police, the judges, and the state officials arrested, who were responsible with the investigation and the trial, instead of disproving the evidences before the court. He illegally discharged more than 100.000 state officials, because he thought they posed a threat to him. Together with the new resolutions he prepared, the legislation, enforcement, and the judicial system of the state were given under his sole authority and responsibility. He passed the law called “the internet law”, which denied the independent spreading of news and information. Subsequently, together with a new law package, he created a system called “Criminal Court of Peace” similar to “The Inquisition”. This court issued arrest warrants for and confiscated the private properties of more than 500 thousand people including any opposing authors, politicians, academicians, students, artists, civil servants, businessmen.
Erdogan changed the structure of the “High Council of Judges and Prosecutors”, just to keep a tight rein on the judges and prosecutors. Again in 2014, together with another “Law Package”, he subdued the judiciary by assigning his favorites to the positions who have the power to appoint, dismiss, and to open an investigation for the judges and prosecutors. Immediately after, he brought a new “legislative regulation” for the National Intelligence Organization (Milli İstihbarat Teşkilatı, MİT). According to the new regulation, MİT staff received unlimited authority. A new article was added to the law, which stated that ‘should any of the members of MİT commit a crime, they cannot be forced to stand trial without the direct permission of Erdoğan’. There were many new law amendments for the requirement of Erdogan’s direct approval towards not only the economic decisions, but also the decisions concerning the law, politics, education, and safety.
Erdogan, not feeling secure even with his new powers, started presiding over Turkey with the State of Emergency (Olağanüstü Hal, OHAL), after the strange coup attempt on 15 July 2016 happened. Erdoğan, thanks to the State of Emergency (OHAL) powers, issued a total of 30 legislative decrees consisted 1194 new articles from 20 July 2016, until 2018. The content of the law amendments done by Erdogan towards economy, health, domestic safety, personnel reform, social security, and governing structure were proved to have nothing to do with the State of Emergency (OHAL). It was uncovered that the new regulations made ensured Erdogan to have all kinds of authority and the power to decide, even after the end of the State of Emergency. In other words, Erdogan already made his power and authority ready thanks to the new regulations, before being elected. This way, all of the State of Emergency powers will be transferred to the newly elected president, even after the State of Emergency is over. That is to say, Turkey will be governed from a single center, with authoritative regulations of State of Emergency. Erdogan already put on his heavy legal shield. So, what is he going to do now?
Erdogan organized the country in such a way to hold the media and the state bureaucracy under control, to ensure the unfair management of the 24th June elections in Turkey. The elections are not going to be fair under any circumstances. It would be a dream to expect somebody, who passed thousands of new laws against the universal law and the constitution of Turkey, to hand over the reins to somebody else with fair elections.
First, Erdogan had more than 100 thousand people detained and arrested, who were the supports of the civil society movement called “Service Movement” in Turkey. Afterwards, he had the politicians like Selahattin Demirtaş from the Peoples’ Democratic Party arrested and sent to prison, including tens of thousands of their followers. If he is elected as president, meaning if he officially becomes a dictator, he is going to complete his preparations to give the Kemalists a hard time. A lot of investigations and trials are held up about the Kemalists in the judiciary at present. Erdogan keeps them just to use them as a trump card. Starting from the leader of CHP, Kemal Kılıçdaroglu, there are many open and closed investigations being carried out about many politicians and notable individuals. With a single instruction from Erdogan, the judges and the prosecutors might easily start sending tens of thousands of people in prison with these investigations and trials.
Erdogan is a simple and an ordinary dictator, who does not want anybody else’s shadow, other than his own. Whatever dictators did in the past, Erdogan is going to do the same. A God does not want the presence of another God. Dictators are only overthrown by themselves. Dictators always annihilate themselves with their own decisions. This annihilation looks like it is going to be devastating on the economic, political, social, judicial, and safety areas of Turkey.